As someone who has lived in the UAE for several years, I understand how confusing it can be to fill out forms that require a zip code. Unlike most countries, the UAE does not have a postal code system that is specific to each area. This can lead to frustration when trying to complete online applications or order items online that require a zip code.

However, there is a solution to this problem. According to the Dubai Central Post Office, the recommended zip code for Dubai is “00000”. While this may seem odd, it is the most commonly used zip code in the UAE and is accepted by most online applications and websites. It is important to note that street addresses are not commonly used in the UAE, and mail is typically delivered to a PO Box. Therefore, if you are filling out a form that requires an address, it is best to use your PO Box number instead of a street address.

What is a UAE Zip Code?

As someone who has lived in the UAE for a while, I know how confusing it can be to figure out what a UAE Zip Code is and how it works. In the UAE, Zip Code is often used interchangeably with Postal Code, and both refer to the same thing. A Zip Code is a series of numbers that identifies a specific geographic location in the UAE for the purpose of sorting and delivering mail.

The UAE Postal System has a unique postal code system that is used to identify different regions and areas in the country. The system is made up of seven emirates, and each emirate has its own postal code system. For example, Dubai has its own postal code system, and Abu Dhabi has its own.

In the UAE, postal codes are made up of five digits. The first two digits represent the region, while the last three digits represent the specific area within that region. For example, the postal code for Dubai is 00000, and the postal code for Abu Dhabi is 11111.

It’s important to note that not all areas in the UAE have a postal code. In some cases, a PO Box number is used instead of a postal code. This is particularly true for residential areas, where individual homes do not have their own postal codes.

If you’re unsure about what your postal code is, you can always check with your local post office or use an online postal code lookup tool. It’s always best to make sure that you have the correct postal code when sending mail to ensure that it arrives at its intended destination.

Overall, understanding the UAE Zip Code system can be a bit confusing, but with a little bit of research, it’s easy to figure out. Whether you’re sending mail to a friend or family member or receiving mail yourself, knowing your postal code is essential for making sure that your mail arrives on time and at the right location.

Why is a UAE Zip Code Important?

As someone who has lived in the UAE for a while, I know that having a UAE zip code is important for a number of reasons. Below are some of the reasons why having a UAE zip code is important:

Mail and Packages Delivery

Without a UAE zip code, it may be difficult for mail and packages to be delivered to you. A UAE zip code helps to ensure that your mail and packages are sorted and delivered to the right address. If you are renting a mailbox, you will be required to provide a UAE zip code to ensure that your mail is delivered to the correct mailbox.

Address Verification

A UAE zip code helps to verify your address. If you are applying for a rental package, for example, you will be required to provide a UAE zip code to verify your address. This helps to ensure that the rental package is delivered to the right address.

Personal and Business Use

Whether you are using your address for personal or business reasons, having a UAE zip code is important. For personal use, it helps to ensure that your mail is delivered to the right address. For business use, it helps to ensure that your business mail is delivered to the right address and that your business address is verified.

Makani Number

In the UAE, every building has a unique Makani number. While a UAE zip code is not required, providing your Makani number helps to ensure that your mail and packages are delivered to the correct building. If you write your Makani number on any package, it must be delivered to that particular building.

Postal Codes

Technically, the UAE has no system of postal (zip) codes. However, a UAE zip code is still important for mail and package delivery. If you want to receive mail, you should apply for a PO Box from your local post office. Other Gulf and Middle East countries also follow the same system.

Rental Fees

If you are renting a mailbox, you will be required to pay a rental fee. The rental fee may vary depending on the location and the size of the mailbox. Providing a UAE zip code helps to ensure that your mail is delivered to the correct mailbox and that you are charged the correct rental fee.

In conclusion, having a UAE zip code is important for mail and package delivery, address verification, personal and business use, Makani number, postal codes, and rental fees.

How to Get a UAE Zip Code

If you want to receive mail in the UAE, you will need to apply for a PO Box from your local post office. This is because technically, the UAE does not have a system of postal (zip) codes. However, there are a few different ways to obtain a PO Box number.

One way to get a PO Box number is to visit your local post office and fill out the required application form. You will need to provide a copy of your UAE passport and ID, as well as a passport size photograph. Once your application is processed, you will be assigned a PO Box number.

Another way to get a PO Box number is to apply online through the official website of Emirates Post. This can be a convenient option for those who do not have the time to visit a post office in person. However, you will still need to provide the necessary documentation, such as a copy of your UAE passport and ID.

It’s important to note that street addresses are not commonly used in the Emirates. Instead, the simple address of an individual showing the PO Box number can be used. For example, “John Smith P.O.Box 12345”. This is why having a PO Box number is essential if you want to receive mail in the UAE.

In addition to providing a way to receive mail, having a PO Box number can also be useful for other purposes. For example, some companies may require a PO Box number when you sign up for their services.

Overall, obtaining a PO Box number is a straightforward process that can be done either in person or online. By having a PO Box number, you can ensure that you receive any mail or packages that are sent to you in the UAE.

Different Types of UAE Zip Codes

As I researched UAE zip codes, I discovered that there are different types of zip codes used in the country. In this section, I will discuss the different types of UAE zip codes and their uses.

Government Post Office Zip Code

The government post office zip code is a five-digit code used for identifying the post office in a specific area. This zip code is used for sorting and delivering mail to the correct post office. The government post office zip code is assigned by the UAE government and is used by all post offices in the country.

Central Post Office Zip Code

The central post office zip code is used for identifying the central post office in a specific area. This zip code is also a five-digit code and is used for sorting and delivering mail to the central post office. The central post office zip code is assigned by the UAE government and is used by all post offices in the country.

PO Box Numbers

PO box numbers are assigned to individuals and businesses by the post office. The PO box number is used for receiving mail and packages. The PO box number is a unique number assigned to each individual or business, and it is used in place of a physical address. PO box numbers are used in the UAE because many areas do not have a traditional street address system.

Annual Fee

To use a PO box number, an annual fee must be paid to the post office. The fee varies depending on the size of the box and the location of the post office. The fee must be paid annually to keep the PO box active.

Collecting Mail

To collect mail from a PO box, an individual or business must have a key to the box. The key is provided by the post office and must be returned when the PO box is no longer needed. Mail can be collected from the post office during business hours.

Punctuation Marks

Punctuation marks are not used in UAE zip codes. The zip code is a five-digit number that does not include any punctuation marks. When addressing mail, it is important to use the correct format to ensure that the mail is delivered to the correct location.

In conclusion, there are different types of UAE zip codes that are used for different purposes. The government post office zip code and the central post office zip code are used for sorting and delivering mail to the correct location. PO box numbers are used for receiving mail and packages, and an annual fee must be paid to keep the PO box active. When addressing mail, it is important to use the correct format and not include any punctuation marks.

UAE Zip Code Format

As someone who has lived in the UAE for several years, I can tell you that the country does not have a traditional zip code system. Instead, the UAE uses a PO Box system for mail delivery. This means that if you want to receive mail, you must have a PO Box registered under your name.

However, some companies and organizations in the UAE have started to use a zip code system for internal purposes. These codes are typically five digits long and are used to identify specific areas within a city or region.

Here is an example of what a UAE zip code might look like: 12345

It’s important to note that these codes are not widely used or recognized, and they are not required for mail delivery. If you are sending mail within the UAE, you only need to include the recipient’s name, PO Box number, and the name of the city or region.

If you are sending mail to the UAE from another country, you will need to include the full address, including the recipient’s name, PO Box number, city or region, and country. It’s also a good idea to include the phone number of the recipient or the PO Box location, in case there are any issues with delivery.

In summary, while the UAE does not have a traditional zip code system, some organizations use internal codes for identification purposes. For mail delivery, a PO Box registered under your name is required, and the full address should be included when sending mail from outside the country.

UAE Zip Code Examples

As I mentioned earlier, the UAE does not have a formal system of postal codes. However, there are some examples of zip codes that you can use for sorting mail or deliveries. Here are some of the most commonly used UAE zip codes:

Dubai Zip Code

Dubai is one of the most populous cities in the UAE and receives a lot of mail and deliveries. Although there is no official Dubai zip code, the Dubai Central Post Office recommends using “00000” as a default zip code for anywhere in the city. This can be used when filling out delivery or mailing addresses.

Abu Dhabi Zip Code

Abu Dhabi is the capital of the UAE and is located on the Persian Gulf coast. Like Dubai, there is no official Abu Dhabi zip code, but you can use “00000” as a default zip code for any address in the city.

Sharjah Zip Code

Sharjah is a neighboring city of Dubai and is also a popular destination for mail and deliveries. Similar to Dubai and Abu Dhabi, there is no official Sharjah zip code, but you can use “00000” as a default zip code for any address in the city.

Ajman Zip Code

Ajman is another city in the UAE that does not have an official zip code system. However, you can use “00000” as a default zip code for any address in the city.

Fujairah Zip Code

Fujairah is located on the east coast of the UAE and is known for its beaches and outdoor activities. As with the other cities in the UAE, there is no official Fujairah zip code, but you can use “00000” as a default zip code for any address in the city.

It’s important to note that using “00000” as a default zip code is not a requirement, but it can help ensure that your mail or deliveries are sorted and delivered correctly. Additionally, if you have a PO Box from your local post office, you can use that as your mailing address instead of a physical street address.


In conclusion, it is important to note that the United Arab Emirates does not have a system of postal codes. Instead, PO Boxes are used for the purpose of receiving mail. This is a unique system that is not commonly used in other parts of the world, such as the United States.

However, it is important to note that some companies may require a zip code when making online purchases, even if the UAE does not have an official system in place. In such cases, a zip code of 00000 can be used.

Additionally, it is important to note that the Universal Postal Union (UPU) does not require countries to have postal codes. Therefore, the UAE’s system is in compliance with international standards.

While Sharjah and other emirates in the UAE may not have their own zip codes, the use of PO Boxes ensures that mail is delivered efficiently and effectively. This system has been in place for many years and has proven to be reliable.

In summary, while the UAE may not have a traditional postal code system, the use of PO Boxes ensures that mail is delivered efficiently and effectively. It is important to note that some companies may require a zip code, in which case a zip code of 00000 can be used. Overall, the UAE’s system is in compliance with international standards and has proven to be reliable for individuals and companies alike.