Many people often confuse the terms “uae residency” and “visa” when it comes to living in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). While both allow individuals to stay in the country, they are not the same thing. Understanding the differences between residency and visa is crucial for anyone looking to live, work or study in the UAE.

UAE Residency vs. Visa? The Ultimate Guide to UAE Immigration

Simply put, a residency permit, also known as a “residence visa,” is a document that allows an individual to live in the UAE for an extended period. It is issued to individuals who have secured employment, purchased property, or invested in a business in the country. A visa, on the other hand, is a temporary document that allows an individual to enter and stay in the UAE for a specified period, usually up to 90 days.

While both residency and visa allow individuals to stay in the UAE, they differ in the rights and privileges they offer. For instance, residency permits offer individuals the right to work, study, and access healthcare and other public services. Visas, on the other hand, do not offer such rights and privileges, and individuals with visas are not allowed to work or study in the country.

What is a UAE Visa?

A UAE Visa is a document that allows a foreign national to enter the United Arab Emirates for a specific period of time, for a specific purpose. There are several types of visas available, depending on the purpose of the visit and the length of stay.

Most travelers to the UAE require a visa, which can be obtained through a sponsor, such as a hotel or a company, or through the UAE embassy or consulate in the traveler’s home country. The visa application process typically involves submitting a passport copy, passport-sized photographs, and other supporting documents, such as a letter of invitation or a hotel reservation.

The most common types of UAE visas include tourist visas, visit visas, and work visas. Tourist visas are typically valid for 30 days and are issued to individuals who wish to visit the UAE for leisure or business purposes. Visit visas are valid for 90 days and are issued to individuals who wish to visit family or friends in the UAE. Work visas are issued to individuals who have been offered employment in the UAE and are valid for up to three years.

It is important to note that a UAE visa does not guarantee entry into the country. The final decision rests with the immigration officer at the port of entry, who may refuse entry if the individual does not meet the entry requirements or if there are concerns about security or public health.

What is a UAE Residency?

UAE Residency is a legal status that allows an individual to live and work in the United Arab Emirates for an extended period. It is a type of permit that grants the holder the right to reside in the UAE for a specific period, which can range from one to ten years.

There are several types of UAE Residency visas available, and the most common ones include:

  • Employment Visa
  • Investor Visa
  • Family Visa
  • Retirement Visa
  • Student Visa

The process of obtaining a UAE Residency visa can be lengthy and requires several documents, including a passport, medical certificate, and proof of financial stability. The individual must also undergo a medical examination and obtain a residence permit from the UAE authorities.

Once the UAE Residency visa is obtained, the holder can live and work in the UAE without any restrictions. They can also sponsor their family members to join them in the country and enjoy the benefits of living in the UAE, such as tax-free income, world-class healthcare, and excellent education facilities.

Key Differences

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) offers two types of permits for foreigners to live and work in the country: residency and visa. Both types of permits have their own unique features and requirements. Here are the key differences between UAE residency and visa:

  • Purpose: UAE residency permits are issued to individuals who intend to live and work in the country for an extended period. On the other hand, UAE visas are issued for a specific purpose such as tourism, business, or medical treatment.
  • Validity: UAE residency permits are typically valid for three years, while visas can be valid for a few days to several months, depending on the type of visa and the purpose of the visit.
  • Renewal: Residency permits can be renewed for an additional three years, while visas cannot be renewed and must be reapplied for.
  • Employment: Residency permits allow individuals to work in any company in the UAE, while visa holders are only allowed to work for the company that sponsored their visa.
  • Investment: Residency permits can be obtained by investing in real estate or starting a business in the UAE, while visas do not offer this option.

It is important to note that both residency permits and visas have their own set of requirements and fees that must be met before they can be issued. Additionally, individuals with residency permits have access to certain benefits such as healthcare and education, while visa holders do not.

How to Obtain a UAE Visa

Obtaining a UAE visa is a straightforward process, but it requires careful attention to detail and compliance with the country’s regulations. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Determine the Type of Visa You Need

The UAE offers several types of visas, including tourist visas, employment visas, and residency visas. Each type has its own requirements and restrictions, so it’s essential to determine which one you need before starting the application process.

Step 2: Check Your Eligibility

Before applying for a visa, it’s crucial to check your eligibility. The UAE has strict rules and regulations regarding who can enter the country and for how long. Make sure you meet all the requirements before starting the application process.

Step 3: Submit Your Application

Once you have determined the type of visa you need and confirmed your eligibility, you can begin the application process. You can apply for a UAE visa online through the official website or through a licensed travel agency. Make sure you provide all the required documents and information to avoid delays or rejection.

Step 4: Pay the Fees

Visa fees vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for and how long you plan to stay in the UAE. Make sure you pay the fees in advance to avoid any delays or issues with your application.

Step 5: Wait for Approval

After submitting your application and paying the fees, you will need to wait for approval. The processing time varies depending on the type of visa and other factors, so be patient and allow enough time for your application to be processed.

Step 6: Receive Your Visa

If your application is approved, you will receive your UAE visa via email or courier. Make sure you check all the details on the visa to ensure they are correct before traveling to the UAE.

Overall, obtaining a UAE visa is a straightforward process as long as you follow the rules and regulations and provide all the required information and documents. By taking the time to prepare and submit a complete and accurate application, you can increase your chances of getting approved and enjoy a hassle-free trip to the UAE.

How to Obtain a UAE Residency

Obtaining a UAE residency can be a complex process, but it is achievable with the right documents and procedures. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Obtain a UAE Entry Visa

The first step in obtaining a UAE residency is to obtain an entry visa. This can be done by applying through the UAE embassy or consulate in your home country or through a sponsor in the UAE. The entry visa is valid for 60 days and can be extended twice for an additional 30 days each time.

Step 2: Complete Medical and Security Checks

Before applying for a residency, you must complete medical and security checks. These checks are done to ensure that you do not have any contagious diseases and that you do not pose a security threat to the country. You can complete these checks at any authorized medical center in the UAE.

Step 3: Apply for a UAE Residency

After completing the medical and security checks, you can apply for a UAE residency. This can be done through the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) in the emirate where you plan to reside. You will need to provide the following documents:

  • Passport with a valid entry visa
  • Completed residency application form
  • Medical and security clearance certificates
  • Proof of accommodation in the UAE
  • Proof of employment or a sponsor in the UAE

Step 4: Complete Biometric Data Collection

Once your application is accepted, you will need to complete biometric data collection, which includes fingerprints and a facial scan. This can be done at any authorized typing center in the UAE.

Step 5: Collect Your Residency Card

After completing the biometric data collection, you will receive a residency card within a few days. This card is valid for three years and can be renewed.

Following these steps will enable you to obtain a UAE residency and enjoy the benefits of living in the UAE.


Obtaining residency or a visa in the UAE can be a complex process, but it is essential for those who wish to live, work or study in the country. The main difference between a residency and a visa is the duration of stay and the level of freedom it provides.

While a residency permit allows an individual to live in the UAE for an extended period and enjoy certain benefits like owning property and obtaining a driving license, a visa is a temporary permit that is issued for a specific purpose and duration.

It is important to note that the UAE government has strict rules and regulations regarding immigration, and it is essential to follow them carefully to avoid any legal issues.

Overall, whether an individual chooses to obtain a residency or a visa in the UAE, they must be aware of the requirements and the process involved. It is always advisable to seek the help of a professional immigration consultant to ensure that the application process is smooth and hassle-free.