Navigating the world of life insurance can be challenging, especially when trying to find the best options in a diverse market like the United Arab Emirates. As someone who has spent time researching UAE life insurance options, I’d like to share some essential information with you to help you make the right choice for your needs and your family’s financial security.

The UAE offers a variety of life insurance plans through well-established providers such as Zurich, Oman, Orient, and MetLife, among others, that cater to different individual needs and budgets. When selecting a life insurance policy, it is crucial to consider factors like premium rates, policy coverage, and the provider’s reputation in the market. It is important to understand that premium rates for life insurance in the UAE depend on the applicant’s age, medical background, guaranteed amount, wages, and other variables (source). Therefore, comparing quotes and plans from different providers is essential for finding a suitable policy.

Throughout my research, I discovered that not everyone in the UAE is aware of the importance of life insurance. In fact, a survey found that nearly 51% of UAE residents do not have a life insurance policy (source). This highlights the need for increased awareness and education about life insurance and its benefits. In the following article, I will delve deeper into the various aspects of life insurance in the UAE to help you better understand its significance and make informed decisions for the well-being of yourself and your loved ones.

Types of Life Insurance in UAE

As I researched various life insurance plans in UAE, I found that there are several types of life insurance policies catering to individual needs and preferences. In this section, I’ll discuss various types of life insurance policies available in the UAE.

Term Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance is one of the simplest forms of life insurance. I learned that this type of policy provides coverage for a specified term of years, usually ranging from 10 to 30 years. If the policyholder passes away during the term, the death benefit is paid to the beneficiaries. The premiums for term life insurance tend to be more affordable as compared to other life insurance types.

Whole Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance is a policy that provides coverage for the entire lifetime of the policyholder. I found that one such policy is Futura Whole Life Insurance offered by HSBC UAE. The premiums for whole life insurance are usually higher than term life insurance, but it offers lifelong benefits, such as a guaranteed death benefit, cash value accumulation, and the option to add riders like critical illness and permanent disability.

Endowment Plans

Endowment Plans are designed as savings and insurance products. They provide the policyholder with a lump sum amount at the end of the policy term or when the policyholder passes away. I learned from PolicyBazaar that this type of policy helps build a corpus for financial goals such as buying a house or funding children’s education while also offering life insurance coverage.

Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs)

Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs) are a combination of insurance and investment. I discovered that a part of the premium is utilized for providing life insurance coverage, while the remaining amount is invested in various funds such as equity, debt, or balanced funds. As CitiBank mentions, ULIPs carry a higher risk compared to traditional insurance policies but offer the potential for higher returns.

Money Back Policies

Money Back Policies offer periodic payouts to the policyholder during the policy term. These payouts, also known as survival benefits, act as a source of regular income. In the event of the policyholder’s demise, the death benefit is paid to the beneficiaries, minus any survival benefits already paid. This type of policy can be found at various insurance providers in the UAE, such as PolicyHouse.

To sum up, there are various types of life insurance policies available in the UAE to suit different needs and preferences. It’s essential for me to research and compare these options before choosing a policy that best fits my requirements.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Life Insurance Policy

Coverage Needs

Firstly, it’s essential to understand my specific coverage needs before purchasing a life insurance policy. Life insurance plans can provide financial protection for my loved ones in the event of my untimely demise, but the coverage amount will depend on my individual circumstances. Factors to consider include my income, expenses, and any outstanding debts. A higher coverage amount will provide increased financial security for my family, but it may also lead to higher premiums.

Financial Stability

When considering a life insurance policy, it is crucial for me to evaluate the financial stability of the insurance company I’m selecting. A company with a strong financial background is more likely to meet its claims obligations, ensuring my family receives the intended benefits in case of my death. Financial stability ratings from independent rating agencies can provide insight into the insurer’s financial strength.


Life insurance policies require a regular premium payment to keep the coverage in force. I must evaluate the affordability of the premiums based on my current financial situation but also consider any potential changes in my income and expenses over time. Term life insurance tends to have lower premiums compared to whole-life policies, so I might want to look into these options before making a decision.


Age plays a significant role in life insurance policy premiums. The younger I am when purchasing a policy, the lower my premiums will likely be. This is because insurance companies view younger individuals as lower risk, making the coverage less expensive for them. So, it is typically a good idea to purchase life insurance as early in life as possible.

Health Status

Lastly, my health status will also impact the availability and cost of life insurance coverage. Individuals with pre-existing medical conditions may find it more difficult to obtain life insurance or may face higher premium rates. Before purchasing a policy, it’s essential to disclose my health history accurately to ensure that my loved ones receive the intended benefits in the event of my death.

Top Life Insurance Companies in UAE


Zurich is a prominent life insurance company in the UAE with a diverse team of 25 nationalities and serving over 230k customers. They have a market coverage of $58 billion and have paid out 98.1% of their life claims source. They offer a range of insurance products with excellent customer support to ease the claims process. As a policyholder, I find their online services helpful for managing and updating my policy details.


One of the top life insurance companies in UAE is MetLife, an international provider with a strong presence in the country. MetLife is known for its reliability and extensive range of insurance products tailored to cater to diverse client needs. In my experience, MetLife has provided excellent customer service and support throughout the insurance application process and claim settlements.

Oman Insurance

Oman Insurance is another leading life insurance company in the UAE that stands out for its broad range of insurance products and customer-centric approach. I was particularly impressed with the variety of coverages and rider options they offered to suit my unique requirements. Their customer service has been reliable and efficient, assisting me with policy management and claims.

Orient Insurance

Orient Insurance is also among the top life insurers in UAE, known for its comprehensive product offerings and customer-focused services. I appreciate their commitment to providing tailored solutions and helping policyholders make informed decisions. Their online platform is user-friendly and enables easy policy management, making it convenient for me to stay on top of my insurance needs.

Benefits of Life Insurance Policies

Death Benefit

One key benefit of life insurance policies in the UAE is the death benefit. Upon my passing, my beneficiaries will receive a tax-free sum of money, which can be used to cover various expenses such as funeral costs, living expenses, or outstanding debts. This ensures that my loved ones are financially protected in the event of my death (source).

Maturity Benefit

Some life insurance policies offer a maturity benefit along with death benefits. Maturity benefits provide a payout to me or my beneficiary if I survive until the end of the policy term. These benefits may include returns on investment or interest, easing my financial burden in the later stages of life (source).

Cash Value

Certain insurance policies, like whole life insurance or universal life insurance, have a cash value component. The cash value can grow over time and act as a tax-deferred savings account for me. I can even withdraw or borrow against this cash value if needed during my lifetime.

Peace of Mind

Having life insurance gives me peace of mind knowing that my family will be financially secure even after my death. It relieves the anxiety associated with the financial stress of unforeseen circumstances, allowing me to focus on other aspects of my life.

Retirement and Investment Options

Some life insurance policies combine the benefits of insurance coverage with various global investment options. I can choose from different policies and invest in funds that suit my preferences, providing me with a flexible and customizable approach to securing my financial future while also staying protected (source).

Additional Riders

Life insurance policies may also offer optional additional riders that can enhance my coverage. These riders could include coverage for critical illnesses or disabilities, providing me with added protection and financial support in case of serious health issues.

Understanding Critical Illness Coverage

Critical Illness Benefit

As a life insurance policyholder in the UAE, it’s essential for me to understand the benefits of critical illness coverage. In the event I am diagnosed with a serious illness or injury that my policy recognizes as critical, I’ll be eligible to make a claim and receive a one-off payment1. Critical illness insurance often covers conditions such as:

  • Heart attack
  • Certain cancers
  • Stroke
  • Kidney failure
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery or angioplasty
  • Paralysis
  • Major organ transplant2

The coverage amount and range of critical illnesses protected can vary among insurance providers1. For example, HSBC UAE offers coverage for 34 critical illnesses with a cover term between 5 to 35 years3. Union Insurance, on the other hand, provides a cover of up to AED 800,000 and includes illnesses like Multiple Sclerosis4.

Terminal Illness Cover

Terminal illness coverage is another crucial aspect I need to consider when looking into life insurance options in the UAE. If I am diagnosed with a terminal illness with a life expectancy of less than 12 months, my insurer may provide an early payout of the policy’s death benefit. This financial support allows me and my family to cover medical expenses, and living costs, or even fulfil personal wishes during the remaining time5.

However, it is important to note that the specific terms and conditions for terminal illness coverage can vary between insurance providers. It is essential for me to review and compare the different offerings available in the UAE to make an informed decision about the best life insurance policy tailored to my personal needs.


  1. <a href=””>Critical Illness Insurance in Dubai and the UAE</a> 2

  2. <a href=””>5 Questions About Critical Illness Insurance Answered | MetLife</a>

  3. <a href=””>Critical Illness Protection| Illness Insurance – HSBC UAE</a>

  4. <a href=””>Critical illness Insurance | union insurance critical illness policy</a>

  5. <a href=””>Critical Illness Protection – Zurich Middle East</a>

Life Insurance Claims Process

Filing a Claim

In the UAE, there are several steps to filing a life insurance claim. Firstly, it’s essential to have all the necessary policy details, such as your policy number, which can be found in the Policy Schedule. You may also need to obtain multiple certified copies of the policyholder’s death certificate to submit with your claim1.

To submit the claim reimbursement, follow these guidelines:

  1. Download the Claim Reimbursement Form from the respective network2.
  2. Arrange for the documents mentioned in the Reimbursement Checklist.
  3. Submit complete documents within 60 days of the policyholder’s passing.

It’s important to contact your insurance provider to understand the specific requirements for your policy. For example, Oman Insurance provides a toll-free number (800 4746) for claims-related inquiries3.

Claim Settlement

Once the claim is submitted, the insurance company will evaluate the request and determine if it meets the policy conditions. In most cases, claim settlements in the UAE are handled efficiently and quickly, with some companies offering Accelerated Claims Payout Benefits4.

During the claim settlement process, the insurance provider may ask for additional documentation or clarification to ensure the validity of the claim. As a policyholder, it’s crucial to respond to these requests in a timely manner to avoid any delays in the settlement process.

In the UAE, life insurance companies work with various partners, such as medical treatment service providers and health insurance program managers, to create seamless claim settlement experiences5. These collaborations can contribute to a smoother and more efficient claims process for you.

Remember to keep documentation well-organized and to communicate openly with your insurance provider throughout the process. By following these steps, the life insurance claims process can be navigated smoothly and effectively, ensuring the timely payout of the policy’s benefits.


  1. How Does the Life Insurance Claims Process Work? | Ethos Life

  2. Claims: Health & Life – NLG UAE | National Life and General Insurance

  3. Life Easy Claim Process in Dubai, UAE – Oman Insurance

  4. Claims | MetLife

  5. Insurance – The Official Portal of the UAE Government

Documents Required for Life Insurance in UAE

When I applied for a life insurance policy in UAE, there were a few necessary documents that I had to submit as part of the process. Being organized and having these documents in hand will streamline the application process and make it easier for the insurance provider to approve your policy.

Emirates ID

An important document required is the Emirates ID, which is a unique identification card issued to UAE residents. During my application, I had to provide both the original and a copy of my Emirates ID as a form of identity verification. It’s also essential for tracking purposes, as it connects all your personal information with the UAE government’s records.

Address Proof

Another essential document is address proof, which I provided in the form of utility bills. Providing address proof helps the insurance provider verify your place of residence in the UAE and determines the applicable laws and regulations. The utility bills I submitted showed my residential address and helped establish my residency in the UAE for underwriting purposes.

In addition to the Emirates ID and address proof, I also submitted other necessary documents, such as:

  • Passport-sized photographs for identification purposes
  • A copy of my passport with the UAE residence visa, to verify my legal status in the country

These documents play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth application process for life insurance in the UAE. By gathering all the necessary documentation beforehand, I was well-prepared and able to complete my application without any issues. Remember to keep all the documents handy and up-to-date, making it easier for both you and the insurance company during the application process.