The UAE Labour Law is a set of legal regulations that governs employment and labour issues in the United Arab Emirates. However, employees working in free zones are generally not governed by the UAE Labour Law. Instead, each free zone authority has its own employment law, and employees are subject to the rules and regulations of their respective free zone authority.

Free zones are areas within the UAE that are designated for specific purposes, such as trade, manufacturing, and logistics. They are created to attract foreign investment and encourage economic growth. There are over 40 free zones in the UAE, and each one has its own set of rules and regulations. This means that the legal framework for employees working in free zones can vary significantly depending on the free zone in which they are employed.

It is important for employees working in free zones to understand the laws and regulations that apply to them. This includes understanding their rights and obligations under their employment contract, as well as the procedures for resolving any disputes that may arise. Employers in free zones are also required to comply with local and international laws, regulations, and best practices to ensure the safety and well-being of their employees.

What are Free Zones in UAE?

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has more than 40 free zones, which are designated areas within the country where foreign investors and expatriates can set up businesses and enjoy a range of benefits. Free zones are designed to attract foreign investment, create jobs, and promote economic growth.

Free zones in UAE offer several benefits to businesses, such as:

  • 100% foreign ownership
  • Tax exemptions
  • No currency restrictions
  • Easy business setup and licensing procedures
  • World-class infrastructure and facilities
  • No customs duties
  • Access to skilled labor

Free zones in UAE cater to a wide range of industries, including technology, media, healthcare, education, and logistics. Each free zone has its own set of rules and regulations, which are governed by the respective free zone authority. These rules and regulations are different from the UAE Labor Law, which means that employees working in free zones are generally not governed by the UAE Labor Law.

Free zones in UAE are an attractive option for foreign investors and businesses looking to set up operations in the Middle East. With their favorable business environment and range of benefits, free zones have become a key driver of economic growth in the UAE.

UAE Labour Law in Free Zones

Free zones in the UAE have their own employment laws and regulations that govern employees working within their jurisdiction. This means that the UAE Labour Law may not apply to employees working in free zones, and they are instead subject to the rules and regulations of their respective free zone authority.

However, it is important to note that when it comes to resolving disputes or litigation between employers and employees in free zones, the Federal Labour Law is applicable before the labour courts. This means that if there is a dispute between an employer and employee in a free zone, the Federal Labour Law will be used to resolve the issue.

Employees working in free zones are under a contract with the respective free zone authority, and the provisions set out in the employment contract will be the basis for any disputes or litigation that may arise.

It is also worth noting that the new UAE Labour Law, which came into effect in 2021, applies to onshore UAE companies and all non-financial free zones. This means that employees working in non-financial free zones are now entitled to certain rights and protections under the new law, such as a maximum six-month probationary period.

Overall, while employees working in free zones may not be governed by the UAE Labour Law, they are still entitled to certain rights and protections under the employment laws and regulations of their respective free zone authority. It is important for employees to familiarize themselves with their employment contract and the rules and regulations of their free zone authority to ensure they are aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Benefits of Working in Free Zones

Working in free zones in the UAE has many benefits for both employers and employees. Here are some of the advantages:

  • Tax Benefits: Companies operating in free zones are exempt from paying corporate and personal income taxes for up to 50 years. This means that employees working in free zones can enjoy tax-free salaries.
  • 100% Foreign Ownership: Free zones allow 100% foreign ownership of companies, which means that foreign investors can have complete control over their businesses without the need for a local sponsor.
  • Easy Business Setup: Setting up a business in free zones is relatively easy and straightforward, with streamlined procedures and minimal paperwork requirements. This makes it an attractive option for entrepreneurs and small business owners.
  • Access to World-Class Infrastructure: Free zones are equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, including modern office spaces, warehouses, and transportation facilities. This ensures that businesses can operate efficiently and effectively.
  • Specialized Services: Free zones offer specialized services to companies operating within their boundaries, including legal, financial, and administrative support. This helps businesses to focus on their core operations and grow their businesses.

Overall, working in free zones in the UAE can be a great option for those looking to start a business or work for a foreign company. With tax benefits, easy business setup, and access to world-class infrastructure and specialized services, free zones offer a unique and attractive business environment.

Challenges and Limitations in Free Zones

Working in free zones can offer many advantages such as tax exemptions, 100% foreign ownership, and streamlined business setup processes. However, there are also challenges and limitations that employees and businesses may face.

One of the main challenges is that free zone employees are generally not governed by the UAE Labour Law. Each free zone authority has its own employment law, and employees are subject to the rules and regulations of their respective free zone authority. This can lead to confusion and inconsistency in employment practices across different free zones.

In addition, free zone authorities may have different requirements for obtaining visas and work permits, which can be time-consuming and costly for businesses. Some free zones may also have restrictions on the types of activities that businesses can engage in, which can limit opportunities for growth and expansion.

Another limitation is that businesses operating in free zones may face restrictions on selling their products or services within the UAE market. While some free zones allow for onshore sales, others require businesses to partner with local distributors or establish a mainland presence to sell their products or services.

Overall, while free zones can offer many benefits for businesses and employees, it is important to carefully consider the challenges and limitations before making a decision to operate in a free zone.


Working in a free zone in the UAE can offer many benefits to employees, such as tax exemptions, flexible working hours, and a diverse work environment. However, it is important to note that employees working in free zones are generally not governed by the UAE Labour Law. Instead, each free zone authority has its own employment law, and employees are subject to the rules and regulations of their respective free zone authority.

It is crucial for employees to understand their rights and obligations under the employment contract with the respective free zone authority. This includes understanding the terms and conditions of the contract, the duration of the contract, the nature of the work to be performed, the location where the work is to be performed, and the amount of remuneration.

Employers in free zones must also comply with the applicable employment laws and regulations. Failure to do so can result in penalties, fines, or even legal action. Employers must provide a safe and healthy working environment, pay salaries on time, and provide benefits such as health insurance and annual leave.

Overall, working in a free zone in the UAE can be a rewarding experience for employees. However, it is important to be aware of the legal framework governing employment in free zones and to understand the terms and conditions of the employment contract. Employers must also ensure compliance with the applicable laws and regulations to maintain a positive and productive work environment.