As someone who lives or works in Dubai, understanding the city’s postal code system is essential. Postal codes, also known as zip codes, are used to sort and deliver mail to the correct address. Dubai’s postal code system is a series of numbers that correspond to specific areas within the city. In this article, I will provide a comprehensive list of Dubai’s postal codes and explain how to use them.

Dubai’s postal code system consists of five digits that are assigned to different areas within the city. While there is no official postal code system in the UAE, Dubai has implemented its own system to make mail delivery more efficient. Decoding these postal codes can be a challenge, but it is essential to ensure that your mail is delivered to the correct address. In the following sections, I will explain how Dubai’s postal code system works and provide a list of all the postal codes in Dubai.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Dubai’s postal code system is essential for accurate mail delivery.
  • Dubai’s postal code system consists of five digits that correspond to specific areas within the city.
  • A comprehensive list of Dubai’s postal codes is provided in this article.

Understanding Postal Codes

As someone who has lived in Dubai for a while, I know how confusing it can be to navigate the city’s postal codes. A postal code or postal address is a collection of letters or numbers used to sort and collect mail. In Dubai, postal codes are also known as zip codes or postcode.

Unlike in other countries where postal codes are assigned to specific areas, there are no zip codes assigned for each area in Dubai. This means that if you are filling out a form online and need to enter your postal code, you may not know what to put.

However, there are still ways to locate your postal code in Dubai. One way is to use the postal code lookup tool on the Emirates Post website. You can enter your address or PO Box number and the tool will provide you with your postal code.

Another way is to use the Dubai Central Post Office’s recommendation of using the code “00000” if you do not have a specific postal code. This may seem strange to people from other countries, but it is perfectly acceptable in Dubai and will not cause any problems with delivery.

It is important to note that postal codes are not the same as PO Box numbers. PO Box numbers are used for mail delivery in Dubai and are assigned to specific post offices. If you do not have a PO Box number, you can still receive mail by using the address format “Somebody, Dubai 12345, UAE” where 12345 is the postal code.

Dubai Postal Code System

As someone who has lived in Dubai for a while, I can tell you that the city has a well-organized postal code system that makes sending and receiving mail a breeze. The postal code system in Dubai is made up of five-digit numbers that are used to identify specific areas within the city. Here’s what you need to know about the Dubai postal code system:

How the Dubai Postal Code System Works

Dubai’s postal code system is based on a geographical grid system, which means that each postal code corresponds to a specific area within the city. The first two digits of the postal code represent the sector, while the last three digits represent the delivery area within that sector.

For example, the postal code 12345 would indicate that the address is located in sector 12, and the delivery area within that sector is 345. This system makes it easy to identify the exact location of an address within the city.

Finding Your Postal Code in Dubai

If you’re filling out a form online or need to find your postal code for any other reason, there are several resources available to help you. One of the easiest ways to find your postal code is to use an online postal code lookup tool, such as the one provided by Edarabia.

You can also find your postal code by contacting Emirates Post directly. They have a customer service hotline that you can call at 600 599 999, and they’ll be able to provide you with your postal code based on your address.

List of Dubai Postal Codes

Here’s a list of some of the most commonly used postal codes in Dubai:

SectorDelivery AreaPostal Code
3Al Barsha33333
4Dubai Marina44444
5Emirates Hills55555

It’s worth noting that not all areas within Dubai have a designated postal code. In some cases, you may need to use a nearby postal code or provide additional information to ensure that your mail is delivered correctly.

Overall, the Dubai postal code system is a well-organized and efficient way to send and receive mail within the city. Whether you’re a resident or just visiting, knowing your postal code can help ensure that your mail arrives at its intended destination.

List of Dubai Postal Codes

As of 2023, Dubai does not have a traditional postal code system. Instead, the city uses a PO Box system for mail delivery.

To obtain a PO Box, individuals and businesses can apply through Emirates Post. Once approved, they will receive a unique PO Box number that serves as their mailing address.

It is important to note that PO Boxes are not assigned to specific geographic locations and can be accessed at various post offices throughout the city.

While Dubai does not have a postal code system, some online forms may require a postal code to be entered. In this case, individuals can use “00000” as a placeholder.

Overall, it is important to have a valid PO Box number for mail delivery in Dubai.

Decoding Dubai Postal Codes

As someone who has lived in Dubai for several years, I understand how confusing it can be to navigate the city’s postal system. However, once you understand how Dubai’s postal codes work, you’ll be able to send and receive mail with ease. In this section, I’ll explain how Dubai’s postal codes are structured and how you can use them to locate specific addresses.

Structure of Dubai’s Postal Codes

Dubai’s postal codes are made up of a combination of numbers and letters. The code is typically six digits long, with the first three digits representing a specific area or district and the last three digits indicating a specific building or property within that area.

For example, the postal code for the Dubai Marina area is 00000, with the last three digits of the code indicating the specific building or property. If you were sending mail to someone living in the Dubai Marina area, you would need to include their full address, including their postal code.

Locating Addresses Using Dubai’s Postal Codes

To locate a specific address in Dubai using the postal code, you can use the Dubai Municipality’s online address lookup tool. This tool allows you to search for addresses by street name, building name, or postal code.

Alternatively, you can use a GPS navigation app to locate an address using the postal code. Most navigation apps, such as Google Maps or Waze, allow you to enter a postal code as part of the address.


Understanding Dubai’s postal codes may seem daunting at first, but with a little practice, you’ll be able to navigate the city’s postal system with ease. Remember to include the full address, including the postal code, when sending mail, and use the Dubai Municipality’s online address lookup tool or a GPS navigation app to locate specific addresses.

Importance of Dubai Postal Codes

As someone who has lived in Dubai for a while, I can attest to the importance of Dubai postal codes. These codes are essential for ensuring that your mail and packages are delivered to the right address, in a timely manner.

Dubai postal codes are assigned to specific regions, neighborhoods, or post office locations. Each area in Dubai is assigned a unique zip code, enabling precise sorting and delivery of mail within the city. When sending mail or packages within Dubai, including the correct zip code on the address label is crucial.

The Emirates Post website provides a comprehensive list of postal codes and zip codes for Dubai. You can also use other websites, such as and, to find the correct postal code for your area.

Using the correct postal code is not only important for receiving mail and packages, but it also helps to avoid delays and extra charges. If you provide an incorrect or incomplete address, your mail or package may be returned to the sender, or it may be delayed in delivery.

In addition, many businesses in Dubai require customers to provide their postal code for various purposes, such as registration, billing, and shipping. Therefore, it is essential to know your postal code and to use it correctly when filling out forms or making purchases.

Overall, Dubai postal codes are an integral part of the city’s infrastructure. They help to ensure that mail and packages are delivered accurately and efficiently, and they are essential for many businesses and individuals alike.

How to Use Dubai Postal Codes

As a resident or visitor in Dubai, it is important to know how to use the postal codes in order to ensure that your mail and packages are delivered to the correct address.

Here are some tips on how to use Dubai postal codes:

  1. Include the postal code on your address: When filling out forms or providing your address to someone, make sure to include the postal code. This will help ensure that your mail and packages are delivered to the correct location.

  2. Use the correct format: Dubai postal codes are six digits long and follow the format of XXXXXX. Make sure to use this format when writing or typing out your postal code.

  3. Check for accuracy: It is important to double-check that the postal code you are using is accurate. Using the wrong postal code can result in your mail or package being delivered to the wrong location.

  4. Use online resources: If you are unsure of what your postal code is or need to find the postal code for a specific location in Dubai, there are several online resources available. Some of these resources include,, and

By following these tips, you can ensure that your mail and packages are delivered to the correct location in Dubai.

Challenges with Dubai Postal Codes

As someone who has lived in Dubai for several years, I have experienced firsthand the challenges that come with using the city’s postal codes. Here are some of the issues that I have encountered:

Inconsistent Formatting

One of the biggest challenges with Dubai postal codes is that they are not always formatted consistently. While some codes consist of only numbers, others include a combination of letters and numbers. Additionally, some codes include a space between the two parts of the code, while others do not. This inconsistency can make it difficult to enter the correct code when filling out a form or addressing an envelope.

Limited Coverage

Another challenge with Dubai postal codes is that they do not cover the entire city. While many areas have their own code, there are some parts of Dubai that do not have a code at all. This can make it difficult to send mail or packages to these areas, as there is no specific code to use.

PO Box Requirement

In order to receive mail in Dubai, you must have a PO Box. This can be a challenge for people who are new to the city, as it requires them to go through a process to obtain a PO Box before they can start receiving mail. Additionally, PO Boxes can be expensive to rent, which can be a barrier for some people.

Limited Delivery Options

Finally, Dubai’s postal system has limited delivery options. While you can send mail and packages through the postal service, there are also private courier services that offer faster and more reliable delivery. However, these services can be expensive, which can be a challenge for people who are on a tight budget.

Overall, while Dubai’s postal system can be challenging to navigate, it is still an important part of the city’s infrastructure. By understanding the challenges and limitations of the system, you can better navigate it and ensure that your mail and packages are delivered successfully.

Future of Dubai Postal Codes

As Dubai continues to grow and expand, the postal code system is likely to evolve and adapt to meet the needs of its residents. Here are a few potential developments that could shape the future of Dubai postal codes:

  • Increased use of digital addresses: With the rise of e-commerce and online shopping, it’s possible that more people will start using digital addresses instead of traditional postal codes. Digital addresses can be more precise and accurate, which could be especially useful for deliveries to large buildings or complexes.

  • Integration with smart city technology: Dubai has already made significant investments in smart city technology, and it’s possible that postal codes could be integrated into these systems in the future. For example, postal codes could be used to help optimize traffic flow or improve emergency response times.

  • Expansion to new areas: As Dubai continues to grow, it’s likely that new neighborhoods and developments will be built. This could lead to the creation of new postal codes to help differentiate between different areas of the city.

Overall, the future of Dubai postal codes is likely to be shaped by a combination of technological advancements and urban development. As the city continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how the postal code system changes to keep up with the needs of its residents.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the postal code for Dubai Silicon Oasis?

Dubai Silicon Oasis does not have a specific postal code. However, you can use the postal code of the nearest post office or the general postal code of Dubai, which is 00000.

What is a PO Box and how do I get one in Dubai?

A PO Box is a mailbox located at a post office. To get a PO Box in Dubai, you need to visit the nearest post office and fill out an application form. You will need to provide identification and pay a fee. Once approved, you will receive a key to your mailbox.

How do I write an address correctly in Dubai?

When writing an address in Dubai, start with the recipient’s name, followed by the building number, street name, and area name. Then, add the city name, country name, and postal code. For example:

John Doe
Building 123, Street Name
Dubai, UAE

What is the postal code for Arjan in Dubai?

Arjan does not have a specific postal code. However, you can use the postal code of the nearest post office or the general postal code of Dubai, which is 00000.

Is there a postal code system in Dubai?

Technically, the UAE does not have a postal code system. Instead, residents are encouraged to use PO Boxes for mail delivery.

What are the zip codes for Al Barsha and Bur Dubai in Dubai?

Al Barsha and Bur Dubai do not have specific zip codes. However, you can use the postal code of the nearest post office or the general postal code of Dubai, which is 00000.