The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is known for its business-friendly environment and attracts investors from around the world. The country offers various investment opportunities and has a well-established legal framework to protect investors’ rights. One of the most popular options for foreign investors is the Business Investor Visa, which allows them to reside and conduct business in the UAE.

How to Get Business Investor Visa in UAE

The Business Investor Visa is a three-year residency visa that is issued to investors who meet certain criteria. To be eligible for this visa, the applicant must have more than AED 70,000 worth of shares in a UAE company and deposit a refundable amount of AED 10,000 with the authorities. For applicants with less than AED 70,000 shares, the security deposit will be AED 20,000. The visa allows investors to conduct business in the UAE and sponsor family members.

Investors who obtain the Business Investor Visa can benefit from the UAE’s tax-free environment and access to a large market. The visa also provides a gateway to the wider Middle East region, which is home to some of the world’s fastest-growing economies. In addition, the UAE has a well-developed infrastructure, including world-class airports, seaports, and telecommunications networks, making it an attractive destination for investors looking to expand their business.

What is a Business Investor Visa?

A Business Investor Visa is a type of visa that allows foreign investors to establish or participate in commercial activities in the UAE. It is also known as the Dubai Investor Visa or the Dubai Partner Visa. This visa is issued to investors or entrepreneurs who have set up their own business or invested in an existing business in the UAE.

The Business Investor Visa comes with a validity of three years and allows the holder to work and live in Dubai. It is considered a long-term residency visa and is renewable. The visa also allows the holder to sponsor their family members for residency in the UAE.

To be eligible for the Business Investor Visa, the investor must meet certain criteria. They must have a minimum investment of AED 10 million in the public sector in the UAE, or invest at least AED 5 million in a new or existing business. The investment must be in the form of a deposit, property, or a business investment.

The Business Investor Visa is an excellent opportunity for foreign investors who want to establish themselves in the UAE. It allows investors to enjoy the benefits of living and working in Dubai, a city that is known for its business-friendly environment and tax-free status. The visa also allows investors to expand their business operations in the UAE and explore new business opportunities in the region.

Benefits of a Business Investor Visa in UAE

Obtaining a Business Investor Visa in UAE can provide numerous benefits to entrepreneurs and investors. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Long-term residency: The Business Investor Visa allows holders to reside in the UAE for an extended period of time, which can be up to 10 years. This provides stability and security for investors who want to establish their businesses and make long-term plans.
  • Freedom to travel: Business Investor Visa holders have the flexibility to travel in and out of the country without any restrictions. This makes it easier to manage their business operations and explore new opportunities.
  • Ownership of business: The Business Investor Visa allows investors to own and manage their own businesses in the UAE. This provides complete control over their operations and enables them to make strategic decisions that can lead to growth and success.
  • No personal income tax: UAE does not have any personal income tax, which means that Business Investor Visa holders can enjoy the benefits of their earnings without any deductions. This can result in significant savings and increased profitability.
  • Access to a diverse market: The UAE is a hub for international trade and commerce, which means that Business Investor Visa holders can access a diverse market of customers and suppliers. This provides opportunities for growth and expansion into new markets.
  • Excellent healthcare system: The UAE has a well-developed healthcare system with modern facilities and highly trained medical professionals. This provides peace of mind for investors and their families, knowing that they can access high-quality healthcare services when needed.

Overall, obtaining a Business Investor Visa in UAE can provide numerous benefits for entrepreneurs and investors who want to establish and grow their businesses in a stable and supportive environment.

Eligibility Criteria for a Business Investor Visa in UAE

Foreign investors who wish to obtain a business investor visa in UAE must meet certain eligibility criteria. Here are the main requirements:

  • The investor must have a substantial amount of money to invest in a business or property in UAE.
  • The business or property investment must be located in one of the free zones or mainland areas of UAE.
  • The investor must have a good reputation and a clean criminal record.
  • The investor must provide proof of their financial capability to invest in a business or property in UAE.
  • The investor must have a valid passport with a minimum validity of six months.

Additionally, investors who wish to obtain a business investor visa in UAE must also meet the following requirements:

  • The investor must have a minimum investment of AED 10 million in a new or existing company or a property in UAE.
  • The investor must own at least 51% of the shares in the company or property.
  • The investor must provide a business plan and feasibility study for the proposed investment.
  • The investor must have relevant experience in the type of business they plan to invest in.

It is important to note that the eligibility criteria for a business investor visa in UAE may vary depending on the specific free zone or mainland area where the investment is being made. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a legal or financial expert to ensure that all requirements are met before applying for a business investor visa in UAE.

Application Process for a Business Investor Visa in UAE

If you are a business investor looking to obtain a visa in the UAE, you will need to follow a specific application process. Here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Choose the type of visa you want to apply for: There are different types of visas available for investors in the UAE. The most common ones are the 3-year investor visa and the 5-year investor visa.
  2. Prepare the required documents: You will need to prepare several documents to apply for an investor visa in the UAE. These documents include a valid passport, a residency visa, a medical certificate, a bank statement, and proof of investment in the UAE.
  3. Submit your application: Once you have prepared all the required documents, you can submit your application for an investor visa in the UAE. You can do this online or in person at the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA).
  4. Pay the fees: You will need to pay the required fees to process your application. The fees vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for and other factors such as your nationality and the duration of your stay in the UAE.
  5. Wait for approval: After submitting your application and paying the fees, you will need to wait for the GDRFA to process your application. The processing time can vary depending on several factors, including the volume of applications the GDRFA is currently processing.
  6. Collect your visa: Once your application is approved, you can collect your investor visa from the GDRFA. You will need to bring your passport and other relevant documents to collect your visa.

It is important to note that the application process for an investor visa in the UAE can be complex and time-consuming. It is recommended that you seek the assistance of a professional immigration consultant to help you navigate the process and ensure that your application is processed smoothly.

Renewal and Cancellation of a Business Investor Visa in UAE

Renewing and cancelling a business investor visa in UAE is a straightforward process. The investor visa is valid for three years and can be renewed after that period. The renewal process can be done through the e-DNRD account or by visiting the Amer centre. The following documents are required for the renewal process:

  • Copy of medical approval
  • Emirates ID application
  • Insurance copy
  • Photo with white background
  • 6-month bank statement
  • Company license
  • Establishment card

The cost of renewing an investor visa in the UAE is AED 900, but this can change with time and vary depending on the license type.

If an investor wishes to cancel their visa, they must inform the relevant authorities and follow the proper procedure. The investor must cancel their residency visa before cancelling their investor visa. The cancellation process can be done through the e-DNRD account or by visiting the Amer centre. The following documents are required for the cancellation process:

  • Original passport
  • Residence visa
  • Cancellation application form

Once the cancellation process is complete, the investor must leave the country within 30 days. Failure to do so may result in fines or legal action.


The UAE has become a popular destination for investors from all over the world. With its strategic location, stable economy, and business-friendly policies, it offers a wealth of opportunities for those looking to invest in the region. The UAE Investor Visa program is one of the many initiatives aimed at attracting foreign investors to the country.

Through the UAE Investor Visa program, investors can obtain residency permits that allow them to live, work, and do business in the UAE. The program offers several options, including the 10-year and 5-year permits. To be eligible for the program, investors must meet certain criteria, such as investing a minimum amount in a UAE-based business or property.

The UAE Investor Visa program is an excellent opportunity for investors who are looking to expand their business operations in the region. It provides them with access to a wide range of benefits, including tax exemptions, access to world-class infrastructure, and a stable political and economic environment.

Overall, the UAE Investor Visa program is a great way for investors to gain a foothold in the region and take advantage of the many opportunities it offers. With the right investment, investors can enjoy a high return on their investment while contributing to the growth and development of the UAE economy.

Other Visas
Retirement Visa
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Family Visa
Business Investor Visa
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